
Monday, June 18, 2012

On Tuesday we got to see the famous Dr Ben Carson He is one of the best Doctors in the world. At 10 we had our morning tea then We hop onto the bus to go to the Telstraclear center in Mankau . Finally we got there
we got of the bus and sat down then we went into the stadium and find our sets I go to sit
right at the top the view look small.

Then on the stage came a man and he was saying that we shard all was read. There was a time
that he went to the library and he want a book and the girl had it the she turn around and he had
noting to say. and he said that she had long black her and big brown eyes and big fat ju ju lips

He finally came up Ben Carson we were all chairing . They were telling us about his lift he use to be the dumbest in his class. One time he nearly killed someone and he throw an rock at a boy
and nearly made his eye come out. There was a time that a teacher came into the class and said whats this rock and know one put up the hand so Ben Carson did and he said obsidian
and he said yes.

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